Monday, December 8, 2008

What is the Inaugural Pan-African Youth Summit?

The purpose of the Inaugural Pan-African Youth Summit is to bring together young conscious voices of those charged with bringing change to their respective community. This summit will provide a forum by which a unified voice can generate a platform that is "in praxis, cognizant of struggle," not only in Africa but also in the United States, Latin America, Asia and the Caribbean.

We understand that today's youth must be prepared to work toward the goal of Pan-African liberation; in effect, inspiring the participation of citizens from all generations.

The Inaugural Pan-African Youth Summit (February 23-28, 2009) will be organized around five themes--one per day--and a final day of reflection and action. The five themes are:

Day 1: Education and the Arts
Day 2: Political Economy
Day 3: Health and Nutrition
Day 4: Gender Roles and the African Family
Day 5: Spirituality

Each day will be filled with various presentations ranging from seminars, panel discussions, lectures, film screenings, workshops, etc.

For all media inquiries please contact: Sakita Holley at

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